Arm Flexible Access Tiers: DesignStart Tier. You can evaluate and design solutions before committing to production, and only pay when you are ready to manufacture. Arm Flexible Access gives you quick and easy access to this IP, relevant tools and models, and valuable support. I used a 24 ounce round microwaveable dish to put my cookie dough in, but you could also just use a microwaveable plate if you like.Start designing now. Once you get the ingredients mixed up together, it should look like cookie dough. Must notify of any go.This M&M Microwave Cookie is ready in minutes - and, just like my mug cakes, it's super duper delicious. Processing usually takes 1 to 2 days then allow 7-10 business days for delivery. As Nashville's premier lifestyle brand, M Street offers private dining, hosted parties, and exclusive, community events. M Street owns and operates restaurants Saint Añejo, Moto, Virago, Whiskey Kitchen, Kayne Prime, and Tavern.